Rachel Wolfe, Owner

Rachel Wolfe

Strategic Consulting, Logic Model Building & Program Evaluation

Do you feel like your programs could be better?

  • How do you measure program success?
  • Can you quantify your community impact?
  • How can you use existing funds to achieve better outcomes?

What We Do

empowers nonprofits to maximize their impact by providing expert evaluation, strategic guidance, and efficient solutions.

We believe in the power of data-driven decision-making, continuous improvement, and collaboration to create lasting positive change.

Why Choose Us?

We’re a hands-on consulting company that aims to make this process as painless and low-lift as possible for you and your team.

You won’t need to use a ton of your own hours to make this happen. We just need to set a time to sit and talk for a couple of hours about what you do, and then we handle the rest.


Theory of Change

Roadmap that shows your piece of the puzzle. How your programs work in conjunction with other agencies and external influences to impact your ideal participant.

What You Get:

  1. Strategy for partnerships & collective impact
  2. Understanding your value to the community
  3. Decreased risk of mission creep

Logic Model

How your program works from start to finish. Logic models focus mostly on your internal processes and less on external influences. We recommend one logic model per program.

What You Get:

  1. Improved program strategy
  2. Program goals
  3. Program evaluation plan
  4. Ability to streamline grant goals

Outcomes Mapping

Have a logic model and not sure what to do next? Outcomes mapping helps you determine what data points you need (and the ones you can stop collecting) to streamline your data process.

What You Get:

  1. Ability to evaluate your program’s success
  2. Improved participant journey
  3. Less staff time spent on data collection & entering

Meet Tex

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Get In Touch

Schedule a meeting, or fill out the contact form below.

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